Monday, 4 February 2013

Mother's day

Mothers day will be here before you know it!! I've made this singing time activity based on a handmade one I used last time.

Firstly I love to include a poster each week- here is one I put together... I also used this for a front cover to the section in my singing-time folder for mothers day songs! (Just an idea you may want to use)



- Print these flowers onto different coloured card (or all the same if you wish) cut them out individually.
- on the back of each flower write a song in marker pen. Songs I was thinking of using:
1. Happy family
2. Mother, tell me the story
3.Love is spoken here
4.when were helping
5. Im a child of god
6. song of their choice

Print and cut out individually

-Print the flower pot, to stick on the board.

Flower Pot - Print

Now you have the printouts -  whats the aim of the game?

The aim is to celebrate mothers day. When you start you begin by asking... why is today a special day? you then go on to explain that you need help picking some flowers to put in the flower pot to give to our mothers! 

Before hand hide the six or more flowers round the room.... each time you choose a happy helper, they then find a a flower pick it and add it to our pot (on the top of one of the stems!) you then sing the song on the back. At the end of singing time I plan to give them each a flower (either printable, fake or fresh flower) to give to their mothers. Possibly one like this below:

Print and laminate!

Enjoy!! --- Keep a look out for more Mother's day posts.

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